Mortuus homo est natalis…

Mortuus homo est natalis – On this day, February 12, 1956 Joe Dever, English fantasy author was born. Dever became the first British winner of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Championship of America in 1982. Created the Magnamund fantasy setting for his D&D campaigns and the setting for his Lone Wolf series of books.




Mortuus homo est natalis…

Mortuus homo est natalis – On this day, February 11, 1805 Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, Native American-French Canadian explorer, guide, fur trapper, trader, military scout, mayor, miner, and hotel operator was born. His mother was the Shoshone Indian known as Sacagawea. His father Toussaint Charbonneau who worked as a trapper and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Born in Lewis and Clark’s party during their trek west and back again. Jean Baptiste lived with Clark while his family traveled and worked amidst the Shoshone and Mandan peoples. He lived in Clark’s personal museum. When Jean Baptiste turned eighteen he met the Duke Friedrich Paul Wilhelm of Württemberg in Kansas and befriended him. For the next six years the Duke and Jean would travel Europe and North Africa. He would return to the states and enter the fur trade and from that volunteer for the American Indian Wars, earning an excellent reputation as tracker, scout, and trapper. He would serve during the Mexican-American War and after which would become the mayor of Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, California Territory.  While in California he joined the Gold Rush. Jean Baptiste Charbonneau is the only infant to appear on USA currency.



Mortuus homo est natalis…

Mortuus homo est natalis – On this day, February 8, 1906 Lon Chaney Jr., American actor, was born. Best known as the Wolf Man from the 1941 film, he also appeared as the monsters in the films; Son of Dracula, The Ghost of Frankenstein, and three Mummy movies. That last image is Chaney, John Carradine, Tor Johnson, and Bela Lugosi.





Mortuus homo est natalis…

Mortuus homo est natalis – On this day, February 7, 1908 Buster Crabbe, American swimmer and actor, was born. Olympic gold medal for 400-meter freestyle swimming event, which launched his career on the silver screen and later television. He starred in a variety of popular feature films and movie serials. He portrayed the top three syndicated comic-strip heroes of the 1930s: Tarzan, Flash Gordon, and Buck Rogers.




Mortuus homo est natalis…

Mortuus homo est natalis – On this day, February 5, 1906 John Carradine, an American actor, was born. One of the most prolific and famed character actors in Hollywood history. A member of Cecil B. DeMille’s stock company and later John Ford’s company, best known for his roles in horror films, Westerns, and Shakespearean theatre. In the latter decades of his career, he starred mostly in low-budget B-movies, but continued to also appear in higher-profile fare. In total, he holds 351 film and television credits, making him one of the most prolific English-speaking actors of all time






Mortuus homo est natalis…

Mortuus homo est natalis – On this day, February 3, 1894 Norman Rockwell, an American painter and illustrator, was born. His works have a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American culture. Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over nearly five decades.




